Success Story of Cyber Security Entrepreneur: Mr. Shomiron Das Gupta

Shomiron das gupta
Shomiron Das Gupta is one of the Cyber Security Entrepreneur in India. He is the Founder and CEO of a well known Cyber Security company, NETMONASTERY. He started a product based company NETMONASTERY aimed to build detection technologies that could ease out the challenges of detecting threats in real-time.
Mr. Shomiron faced a lot of challenges while taking this product forward to reach the goal and contribute in this industry. The time when Indian cyber security products were not accepted in the Indian market, he did not give up and finally made it one of the product companies in the cyber security space and helped
many big clients.
Let’s have a look on the below conversation, Hackers Interview team had with Mr. Shomiron Das Gupta :
Hackers Interview: Where did you get the inspiration to enter the cyber world?
Mr. Shomiron Das Gupta: When I started back in 1997 the cyber world was not differentiated as it is today. So for someone who was connecting networks or managing servers cyber security was an added responsibility. Only that some of us began specializing further into the space and which eventually developed into a career.
Hackers Interview: What challenges did your venture face, as the time went on, on the basis of the traditional emphasis that people possess?
Mr. Shomiron Das Gupta: NETMONASTERY was always a product company the challenges we faced were different from our friends from the services industry. Indian cyber security products were not accepted in the Indian market, this is was primarily because the trust on Indian research did not exist.
The only way that trust could be built was to persist and build the trust over years.
Hackers Interview: What is the aim, with which you started with your venture?
Mr. Shomiron Das Gupta: NETMONASTERY always aimed at building detection technologies that could ease out the challenges of detecting threats in real-time.
Hackers Interview: How do the operations of your business take place? What is the basic framework which keeps track and handles daily work?
Mr. Shomiron Das Gupta: We are split into three parts – engineering, operations and marketing each of these divisions have departments or at the least teams. These teams are governed and incentivised to achieve goals, the system is not very complex but it keeps pushing the ball forward.
Hackers Interview: How well do you think your company has been? Have you been able to make a difference, and remain profitable along the way?
Mr. Shomiron Das Gupta: Makes us feel good, we are part of a small bunch of companies in the Indian cyber security space that are bootstrapped which also means being profitable is not optional.
I must mention here that the investor community helped here out because they failed to recognize the opportunities in the cyber security space (actually the core tech space in general) this only helped breed strong product companies with revenue rather than pipelines and promises.
Hackers Interview: Do you think you have been able to contribute to the transition that has been made into cyber security?
Mr. Shomiron Das Gupta: Yes in a big way, NETMONASTERY is one of the first product companies in the cyber security space, and in our 15 years we have worked with many many customers and helped them become more resilient. Detecting threats has always been our forte and we have built and delivered effective strategies for our customers.
Hackers Interview: Do you feel that depending on machines really is the right way to go?
Mr. Shomiron Das Gupta: Maybe, using machines to facilitate our tasks by taking away repetition and monotony might help bring out a richer coexistence.
Hackers Interview: Describe how your journey was, from being a nobody to a successful entrepreneur.
Mr. Shomiron Das Gupta: Being successful depends upon the benchmark you are measuring against, however the journey has been deeply enriching. I have personally enjoyed unequal trust of our customers and while delivering solutions we have made strong friends and associations across the industry.
Hackers Interview: So what could be next towards global domination of your venture?
Mr. Shomiron Das Gupta: We have invested in strong research and will continue to build good solutions taking us forward. NETMONASTERY will remain product focused and will deliver effective solutions. Building stronger alliances will also remain a focus going forward.
Hackers Interview: What do you think the future holds for technology, and what could be the next big thing?
Mr. Shomiron Das Gupta: The technology space will be positively affected by automated learning systems, we will move forward “quickly” into assisted decisions using experiential learning by our systems. This will capture multiple use cases across the tech world.
Hackers Interview: Do you feel satisfied with what you have gone through your life? Do you feel that you have done whatever you wished for, since you started as a small timer?
Mr. Shomiron Das Gupta: Oh no there is a long long way to go, there is a lot of ground still to be covered, however we are happy with the progress we have made considering the circumstances and the market we were born into. We feel we were also lucky to have the opportunity to persist with our dreams.
Hackers Interview: Finally, what keeps you going? What helps you keep going strong throughout the day?
Mr. Shomiron Das Gupta: The love for what I do, I love to create, build and solve problems, it’s easy for me to wake up everyday and run to work.
“Thanks Mr. Shomiron Das Gupta for giving your precious time to our readers.”
Author: Prachi K
Technical Writer, Branding Executive – Hackers Interview. Prachi has professional experience in the area of Branding and Article writing.