Introducing The Cyber Security Conference : Cyber Phoenix Conclave

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Hackers Interview has started a new initiative to introduce the cyber security events and conferences to make everyone aware about the various aspects of this domain. Cyber security is one of the leading domain in IT industry and have a core impact all over the world. Many organisations including private committees as well as government committees conduct certain types of events which really result in a huge knowledge gain in order to protect your IT infrastructure and be aware about the cyber security incidents.
Most of the time, general audience is not aware about these types of events and conferences. So Hackers Interviews coming up with this “Introductory Initiative” to spread out the awareness about these types of events and conference so that maximum audience can take benefit from these events.
We are starting this initiative by introducing the National level cyber security conference “Cyber Phoenix Conclave“. So let’s have a look on the discussion we had with Representative of Cyber Phoenix Conclave conference.
Team Hackers Interview : Hello! Please introduce yourself, and which organisation do you represent?
Representative – Cyber Phoenix Conclave : Hello Everyone. My name is Lakshay Gupta pursuing final year of Bachelors Degree in field of computer application from Suresh Gyan Vihar University Jaipur. I am independent security researcher and I am the founder of cyber phoenix conclave & leading Hackers day Rajasthan/Haryana, which is a non-profit organisation.
Team HI : How much experience do you hold in organizing such events in the past?
Representative CPC : Well, this is the first time I am handling an event as a head, but in past, i have been part of many such events such as NISC and Hackers day.
Team HI : What do you aim to achieve from this event?
Representative CPC : The sole motive of our conference is to make everyone aware about the cyber security, information security and how to make the career in these domains.
Team HI : What do you want the participants to take home from your event?
Representative CPC : We want that participants get as much knowledge as possible from the best cyber security experts from India at end of this event.
Team HI : What is the venue, time, and date of organisation of your event?
Representative CPC : Event will be taking place at Suresh Gyan Vihar University Jaipur on 3rd and 4th February 2018 from 09:00 am onwards.
Team HI : What is the scale of which you are organizing your event?
Team CPC : As of now we are organizing this event at national level and after successful completion of this event next one will be organised at international level.
Team HI : What is the prime objective of your event?
Representative CPC : The prime objective of this event is to spread awareness about cyber security and let the aspiring students know about the opportunities and scope of this industry. At end of the event keen students will go with the clear understanding about pursuing their career in this field with ample knowledge from best cyber security experts of India.
Team HI : How do you plan to achieve your goal through this event?
Representative CPC : Well, our dedicated team is working to make this event successful. With help of our distinguished speakers, we will be able to impart some knowledge to students and spread awareness of cyber security which is much required at this time as our Nation is moving ahead to be the digitalized nation.
Team HI : Who are all going to be present in the form of the panel in your event?
Representative CPC : One of the best cyber security specialists of India Mr Rakshit Tandon, Mr Dinesh Bareja, Mr. Santosh Khadsare and many more will be joining us for this event.
Team HI : What all activities have been organised in your event?
Representative CPC :We have 3 keynote speakers who will fill enthusiasm and role of cyber security in the mind of attendees. Along with it, we have around 12 technical speakers who will be demonstrating live.
Team HI : For whom do you think your event is? Who all do you advise to attend it?
Representative CPC : Our conference is for all those people who want to excel their career in cyber security. All the aspiring students who want to gain knowledge in this field are advised to attend this event.
Team HI : How many people do you expect to attend your event?
Representative CPC : We are expecting around 250 attendees from all over India
Team HI : What areas you expect to cover through your event?
Representative CPC : Well cyber security is vast hence we will not be able to cover all the areas, however in the span of two days major and important aspects of cyber security like digital forensic, penetration testing, code injection, auth0 and such other aspects will be covered.
Author: Yogesh Prasad
Information Security Professional | Cyber Security Expert | Ethical Hacker | Founder – Hackers Interview