Exclusive Interview With Security Researcher From India: Ajay Kumar

Ajay Kumar 1

Ajay Kumar 1

Today we have another speaker of HackersDay International InfoSec Conference 2017. We have Mr. Ajay Kumar with us for an interview today. He is a Deep/Dark web security researcher and has extensive experience in the respective domain.
Anonymity and privacy are one of the core areas of his research. Since anonymity and privacy is one of the serious issues nowadays for being safe online, so he will be sharing his views on the same in this interview as well.
So let’s have a look at the discussion, Hackers Interview had with Ajay Kumar.

Team Hackers Interview: Hello Mr.Ajay, please introduce yourself to our readers
Ajay Kumar: I am Ajay Kumar, Anonymity and privacy researcher, Deep web enthusiast and an Independent security researcher. I currently pursuing my final year engineering at Bangalore. I believe in quality of work no matter on which field you are, author of “The Bull Project ” completely written in python which is used to crawl the deep web sites (tor) designed for deep web researchers.

Team HI: Why you’ve decided to pursue Ethical hacking as your career option?
Ajay Kumar: I think there is no such term called ethical hacking, I just want to call it as hacking.
well hacking field is very challenging .everyday there will be something to learn .. Moreover Hacking is my passion

Team HI: How you had started your journey in the cyber world?
Ajay Kumar: I started my journey with web application pen-testing … as the things update and upgrade even I started updating myself with recent technologies.

Team HI: What advice will you give to our readers to stay safe online?
Ajay Kumar: First one needs to know the difference between anonymity and privacy, they are distinct concepts
but people confused between those two ., tor and other darknets concern about your anonymity but privacy is all about protecting yourself, although u cant secure yourself to 100%, if you combine anonymity and privacy, well now you are really anonymous

Team HI: What is the role of deep and dark web in the cyber world?
Ajay Kumar: Of course deep web plays a major role in cyber world, cuz deep web is the one which contains most confidential files of the world .. so securing deep web is a very important to secure world

Team HI: What will you suggest to our newbies who are interested to start their career in Ethical Hacking?
Ajay Kumar: please don’t start for the purpose of certification, swag or fame
make it as your passion

Team HI: What is a positive aspect of the deep/dark web.
Ajay Kumar: Deep web is not bad as people think ., the deep web has several layers .. out of which one or two layers are malicious remaining are awesome.

Team HI: What do you think what are the myths general public may have about the deep/dark web?
Ajay Kumar: Marianas web is a myth .., there is nothing like that …
even though wikileaks employees admit that they have access to Marianas web .. It’s a Myth

Thanks, Mr. Ajay for giving your precious time to our readers.



Author: Yogesh Prasad

Information Security Professional | Cyber Security Expert | Ethical Hacker | Founder – Hackers Interview

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